Swiss Representative Thinlay Chukki Meets Indian Ambassador, Attends Republic Day Celebration in Germany.
Germany: On January 24, 2025, at 11 a.m., Representative Thinlay Chukki and Phuntsok Topgyal, the UN advocacy officer from the Office of Tibet in Geneva, and Tenzin Thoesam Rinpoche, director of Tibet House in Germany, convened with Consul Sanjay Jaswal at the Consulate General of India in Germany. During their conversation, the Representative conveyed deep appreciation to the Indian Embassy for their help in addressing visa challenges faced by Tibetans in Germany. They also updated the Consul Jaswal on the recent earthquake in Tibet, highlighting the severity of the situation and the ongoing relief efforts.
A meeting was held from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. to discuss and finalise plans for His Holiness’ 90th birthday celebrations. The meeting was attended by Kai Muller from ICT, Tenzyn, the president of the Tibet Initiative Deutschland (TID), along with two executive members, Tenzin Thoesam Rinpoche and Pia Stoffels from the Tibet House-Germany.
On 25 January 2025, they visited the Tibet House retreat centre to assess the facilities for cultural and educational activities. This was the Representative’s first visit to the Sakya Dharma Center after visiting the retreat centre. The Representative received a religious audience and had detailed discussions about the centre’s history and operational aspects. It was stated that the Swiss Representative Office would continue maintaining future relations with the Dharma Centre.
On 26 January 2025, Representative Thinlay Chukki attended the 76th India Republic Day official celebration as a special guest of the Indian Embassy in Germany. On behalf of the Tibetan people, she conveyed heartfelt greetings to the Indian government and people, emphasising the immense gratitude Tibetans hold for the Indian government. Executive Director of Tibet House Germany Tenzin Thoesam Rinpoche and office staff member Phuntsok Topgyal were also present at the auspicious celebration.
–Report filed by OoT, Geneva