Public Service Commission

Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s vision to democratize Tibetan society did yield its fruit in exile when he set up the Tibetan Government-in-Exile, on 29th April 1959. A year later, the first democratically elected Tibetan People’s Deputies, they were known at that time, took their oath on 2nd September 1960 and the legislative organ was known as Commission for Tibetan People’s Deputies – CTPD.

With gradual expansion of democratic institutions, the CTPD became Tibetan Parliament in Exile – TPiE with enlarged members and effectively took the role of a Legislature within the Central Tibetan Administration – CTA.  Among the number of laws passed by the TPiE, for the Tibetan diasporas, The Charter for Tibetans in Exile, approved by His Holiness the Dalai Lama became the most pervasive and important document.   The Charter enumerates the well known Three Pillars of Democracy and three Autonomous Bodies of which, Public Service Commission – PSC is one of them.  Thus, the entire CTA function is governed by the provisions of The Charter.

Earlier, PSC was known as the Service Management Office under the Home & the Security Departments with recruitment and basic training arrangement for the appointed CTA civil service staff as its sole responsibilities. With further expansion & reorganization of CTA offices, the Service Management Office was brought under the supervision of the Kashag and later entrusted independent responsibilities and the Office became Department of Personnel.
