5 questions : Men-tsee-khang, SARS and many more…..

5 questions: Men-tsee-khang, SARS and many more… Dharamsala (Tibet.Net), 1 May 2003: Men-tsee-khang celebrated its 42nd anniversary last month. In those four decades, the Institute has come a long way…

Lamo Tsangpa’s medium, Tsewang Namgyal passes away

Lamo Tsangpa’s medium, Tsewang Namgyal passes away Dharamsala (TibetNet), 29 April 2003: The Central Tibetan Administration is saddened to report the passing away of Lamo Tsangpa’s medium, Tsewang Namgyal. He…

A tribute to martyrs now a musical

A tribute to martyrs now a musical Review: 24 April 2003: ‘The struggle starts now’, retorted the besieged warrior to an imperious threat by the green uniformed Chinese officer. It…

Pill to kill SARS

Pill to kill SARS Dharamsala (TibetNet), 23 April 2003: The panic surrounding the fast-spreading viral disease SARS, which has reportedly claimed more than 200 lives, has also taken over the…

13th ATPD delegates to meet Indian Parliamentarians

13th ATPD delegates to meet Indian Parliamentarians Dharamsala (TibetNet), 21 April 2003: A Five member delegation from the Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies will meet the ‘All party Indian parliamentary…

Workshop for primary school teachers begins

Workshop for primary school teachers begins Dharamsala, 15 April 2003: In an effort to upgrade the teaching methods of teachers at Primary level in the Tibetan schools, the Education Department…

Public statement from Ngawang Sangdrol la.

Public statement from Ngawang Sangdrol la given at a reception organized in her honor by International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) 10 April 2003: Message to Fellow Tibetans and Friends of…

Interview: The new generation Chitue

Interview: The new generation Chitue 9 April, 2003: Tenzing Chonden is new to the political landscape of Tibetans in exile. He is currently a member of the 13th Assembly of…

World Health Day Message from the Health Kalon

World Health Day Message from the Health Kalon Dharamsala, 7 April 2003: On the occasion of World Health Day, the Department of Health of the Central Tibetan Administration would like…

Project Management Workshop Concludes

Project Management Workshop Concludes Dharamsala, 2 April 2003: A three-day workshop on Projects and Project Management organized by the Planning Council of the Central Tibetan Administration concluded successfully today. 25…