Karnataka: The Chairman of the Public Service Commission (PSC), Karma Yeshi, successfully concluded his week-long outreach tour to engage with Tibetan college students, which took place from 1- 8 December. The tour aimed to inspire Tibetan youth to contribute to the Tibetan cause actively, preserve Tibetan culture, and engage more deeply with the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA).
On 2 December, Chairman Karma Yeshi addressed Tibetan students at the TCV Youth Hostel in Bengaluru. In his talk, he emphasised the importance of civil service, the role of Tibetan youth in shaping the future of Tibet, and the need to preserve the Tibetan language and culture. He encouraged the students to promote the Tibetan cause among their peers and to act as ambassadors for Tibet within their college communities.
The following day, Chairman Karma Yeshi participated in a Youth Leadership Workshop organized by the Tibetan Youth Congress at the Bylakuppe Tibetan settlement. During his presentation, he discussed the Central Tibetan Administration, the evolution of Tibetan democracy, and the vital role of Tibetan youth in shaping Tibet’s future. The workshop included group exercises, where participants presented their reflections to the larger group. Karma Yeshi concluded the session by urging everyone to take greater responsibility for advancing the Tibetan cause.
On 4 December, the Chairman visited all the monasteries in Bylakuppe, strengthening his connection with the Tibetan religious and cultural community.
On 5 December, Karma Yeshi met with Tibetan college students in Mysore. He reiterated his message about the importance of unity within the Tibetan community and quoted the lyrics of a Tibetan song to emphasise the need for collective effort. The program concluded with an interactive Q&A session and a vote of thanks from the student leader.
On 6 December, Chairman Karma Yeshi visited the Dalai Lama Institute for Higher Studies and Mentseekhang Sowa Rigpa Medical College in Bengaluru, where he spoke to students about their role in promoting the Tibetan cause. He encouraged them to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and skills to become ambassadors for Tibet, emphasising the importance of education, health, and activism for the community’s future. The talk was followed by another Q&A session, where students could engage directly with the Chairman.
The final tour took place on 7 December at the TCV Tibetan Youth Hostel in Rohini, New Delhi. In this session, Karma Yeshi again emphasised the importance of working for the CTA and the Tibetan community’s well-being. He also stressed the need for maintaining good health and dedicating time to promoting Tibetan history and culture. The meeting concluded with marking the successful conclusion of the outreach program.
The outreach program wrapped up on 8 December, with Chairman Karma Yeshi returning to Dharamsala. He was accompanied throughout the tour by Deputy Secretary Karma Thinley.
This outreach initiative was made possible by funding from USAID and the National Democratic Institute (NDI).
-Report filed by Public Service Commission-