10 Jun 2014 – TibetonlineTV News

Headlines: Dolgyal/Shugden Cult Practice Causes Destruction to Buddha Dharma and Damages Others: Italian Based Buddhist Centers ◆ Italy Gets Ready to Welcome His Holiness the Dalai Lama ◆ Golog Jigme…

15 May 2014 – TibetonlineTV News

Headlines: His Holiness Talks on Self-awareness and Compassion in Frankfurt ◆ Writings of Captive Tibetan Youth Surfaces, Tells Tales of Misery Under Chinese Rule ◆ Tibetans Continue to Protest Against…

His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrives in Germany

Well-wishers offering a traditional Tibetan welcome to His Holiness the Dalai Lama on his arrival at his hotel in Frankfurt, Germany on May 13, 2014. Photo/Manuel Bauer [dalailama.com] Frankfurt, Germany,…

09 May 2014 – TibetonlineTV News

Headlines: His Holiness Gives Teaching, Public Talk in Oslo ◆ Dolgyal(Shugden)Followers’ Allegations Baseless: The Kashag ◆ 39-year-old Tibetan Man Kills Self in Mining Protest in Chamdo ◆ Substitute Teachers in…

08 May 2014 – TibetonlineTV News

Headlines: Norway Welcomes His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Nobel Peace Prize to His Holiness ◆ ◆ His Holiness Talks on Shugden ◆ China Shuts Private Run…

17 Mar 2014 – TibetonlineTV News

Headlines: Two Tibetans Monks Self Immolate in Tibet ◆ Tibetan Parliament Slams Shugden Followers’ Protest in San Francisco, Passes 5 Points Resolution◆ His Holiness the Dalai Lama Gives Teaching on…

Tibetans-in-exile mark New Year by offering prayers

Dharamsala, Mar 4. (ANI): Tibetans in-exile in Dharamsala celebrated ‘Losar’, the Tibetan New Year on Sunday, and pledged to uphold the cultural ethos and traditional values of humility, integrity and…

The Dalai Lama and Tibetan Religious Freedom

By Bhuchung K Tsering On this day, February 27, in 2009, Tapey, a Tibetan monk, committed self-immolation in Tibet and since then 127 Tibetans have self-immolated in different parts of…