Representative Ngodup Tsering and Secretary Tashi Dhondup of OOT DC with Anjali Kaur, Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Bureau for Asia, and Joe Taylor.
Washington DC: Representative Ngodup Tsering and Secretary Tashi Dhondup met Anjali Kaur, USAID’s new Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Bureau for Asia, and Joe Taylor today. Representative Tsering thanked USAID for their strong support to CTA and discussed possibilities for larger direct funding and Sikyong’s vision of digitization of the CTA.
Deputy Assistant Administrator Anjali Kaur assured USAID’s full support and expressed her willingness for continued collaboration with CTA.
Anjali is a great admirer of His Holiness and looks for an opportunity to meet His Holiness in person and be blessed and also meet with the CTA leadership.
Filed by OOT Washington DC