Representative Rigzin Genkhang with MEP Mikulas Peksa, MEP Carles Pugdemont, venerable Nima and venerable Thich Hanh Tan
Brussels: For the last plenary of the 10th term of the European Parliament, Office of Tibet, Brussels, organised a photographic exhibition on the four principal commitments of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in the European Parliament in Strasbourg from 22 – 26 April 2024. This project has been in the making since last year.
The exhibition inaugurated on Tuesday, 23 April was joined by Venerable Thich Hanh Tan, Representative of Unified Buddhist Congregation of Vietnam in Europe, Venerable Nima, Sakya Buddhist Centre, Members of European Parliament, Representative of the Mayor of Strasbourg, Parliamentary Assistants, EU Officials, journalists and members of the Tibetan Community of Strasbourg. Thupten Tsering, Coordinator of Bureau du Tibet, Paris, was also present.
In his welcome address, the host MEP Carles Puigdemont, former President of Catalonia, said it was an honour to give voice to the representatives of oppressed people who are fighting for their survival in one of his last activities as an MEP. Despite the distance, he said he felt close to the Tibetan cause: a non-violent struggle that contrasts with the authoritarian attitude of the Chinese regime.
Taking advantage of Sant Jordi’s day, which symbolises triumph of good over evil, MEP Puigdemont offered a rose and a book to Representative Genkhang.
MEP Mikulas Peksa in his speech applauded His Holiness’ vision for the world. He then shared a recollection of his work on Tibet with his colleagues from across the political groups during the current mandate and hoped to see more MEPs support during the next mandate.
Representative Rigzin Genkhang of the Office of Tibet, Brussels, expressed her heartfelt gratitude to MEP Puigdemont for hosting the event and the guests for their presence. She then recalled His Holiness’ numerous visits to Strasbourg and outlined the essence of the four principal commitments of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
She also took the opportunity to thank the European Parliament for being at the forefront of any EU initiative supporting the Tibetan cause and the non-violent freedom struggle of the Tibetan people.
Representative further continued, “through this exhibition, we aim to celebrate the remarkable life story of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and to shine a spotlight on his lifelong commitments to and the promotion of compassion, peace and understanding around the world. These commitments are pillars upon which he has built a legacy of hope and inspiration for humanity”.
She then invited everyone to strive to embody these four principal commitments in their own lives, becoming beacons of compassion, understanding, and harmony in their communities and beyond.
As a token of gratitude, Representative Genkhang offered traditional khatags (scarves) to the host and speaker. She also thanked the Office of Tibet, London, for loaning out the exhibition.
The event closed with a delightful reception hosted by the Office of Tibet, Brussels.
The week-long exhibition concluded successfully on Friday, 26 April 2024 leaving the visitors with a lasting impression of His Holiness’ message for world peace.
-Report filed by Office of Tibet, Brussels