Brussels: The Chatrel Section (Voluntary Contribution) of the CTA’s Department of Finance is organising an awareness campaign for Tibetan communities across Europe and North America.
The awareness campaign in Europe is led by Yangchen Dolkar and Choekyi Dolma and the two apprised the public about the process involving making a new chatrel book, correction in the details provided, loss and theft of chatrel book, and other related queries. The two staff of the Department of Finance began their awareness campaign on 19 September for three days in the Netherlands. From 22-29 September, the two visited Belgium, and from 30 September-17 October in France.
In the Netherlands, the two processed enrolment of 90 new chatrel users through the facilitation of the Belgium Office of Tibet and the Tibetan Association.
Similarly in Belgium, the Tibetan community commemorated chatrel day. Many Tibetans participated in this two-day campaign. The facilitators spoke on the rules and regulations involved while making a chatrel contribution and urged the Tibetans to make timely contributions.
Meanwhile, France reported the highest number of chatrel enrolments. Thupten Tsering, Coordinator of Bureau du Tibet – Paris, led a group of volunteers to help the delegation of the CTA in running the campaign.
In this 28-day chatrel awareness campaign across Tibetan communities under the jurisdiction of Office of Tibet- Brussels, a total of 1200 chatrel enrolments including chatrel corrections were processed.
After concluding the campaign in France, the delegation of the CTA left for England.
-Reported by OOT, Brussels