Statement of His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the Seventh Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day,
10 March 1966
It is now seven years since that historic day when the people of Tibet
rose in spontaneous revolt against the tyranny and oppression of the
Chinese Communist military occupation. Against fearful odds and in
utter self-sacrifice, our people stood up as one against the might of
their conquerors. Many died in the struggle and others suffered torture
and humiliation before being killed. It is to the memory of these
martyrs of Tibetan nationalism and the cause for which they have made
their supreme sacrifices that we dedicate this day. Tibetans all over
the world will remember this as a historic day and strengthen their
firm determination that these noble patriots have not sacrificed their
lives in vain.
Since the invasion of Tibet by the Chinese Communists in 1949, our
people were reduced to the status of a subject race under the shackles
of an alien conqueror bent on wiping every vestige of our national and
cultural heritage. In flagrant violation of the truth the Chinese have
tried to cover up their inhuman and brutal treatment of the Tibetan
people under the names of “liberation” and “progress”. They have killed
and tortured our people; they looted the ancient treasures of Tibet;
they have deprived our people of even the smallest traces of
fundamental freedom and have made the Tibetans into a second-class
citizen existing only to serve the Chinese. In short the Tibetans have
become the victims of Han imperialism. And yet the Chinese Communists
have accused the Tibetans as fighting for the forces of reaction and
resisting progress. The fact that the Tibetan people are firmly
determined to forge ahead with the times, that we do not defend any
archaic and unjust social system, and that we welcome progress from all
quarters, are brushed aside. What we oppose are the imperial and
colonial policies of the Chinese and their dogmatic assertion of
greater Han nationalism and their Han chauvinistic attitude beyond the
slightest trace of reason or justification.
The Chinese Communists, however, continue to camouflage their imperial
policies behind empty slogans and impressive facades. Last year, for
example, they have utilised the full force of their vast propaganda
machinery to publicise the inauguration of Tibet as an Autonomous
Region. This charade cannot, however, hide the fact that the so-called
Autonomous Region of Tibet comprises only a part of Tibet and that
other regions are carved into separate parts following the old imperial
policy of “divide and rule”. Nor can it be denied that one-third of the
members of the Council of the Autonomous Region of Tibet are Chinese
and that Tibetan members are recruited mostly from what the Chinese
themselves call the “feudal landlord class”. Moreover, all key posts
are in the hands of the Chinese and the Tibetan members exist only as a
rubber-stamping apparatus. With the exception of a few quislings and
opportunists, the people of Tibet are united in their firm
determination to build a free Tibet. The very Tibetans trained and
educated by the Chinese to act as collaborators are among those in the
foremost ranks of the national resistance front. The desire and
determination of the Tibetan people to regain their national freedom
cannot be overcome and the will of our people to be free will
ultimately prevail over the forces of tyranny and oppression.
On behalf of those of our people who have given up their lives for
freedom, those who heroically continue to resist the Chinese in Tibet
and those in exile, I would like to thank the governments of El
Salvador, Ireland, Malaysia, Malta, Nicaragua, the Philippines and
Thailand for sponsoring the resolution calling for the immediate
cessation of oppression and the restoration of fundamental freedom in
Tibet at the General Assembly of the United Nations. I would also like
to thank the governments who supported the resolution. In particular we
are grateful to the government and people of India for their support
and for their whole-hearted and warm sympathies to us, and for the
large-scale programmes in rehabilitation and education of the Tibetan
To us Tibetans these are hard and tragic times. And it is only natural
that we realise and feel in full anguish the sorrows of our brothers
who are also victims of brutality and aggression. I fervently hope and
offer my ardent prayers that peace may be restored in all the areas of
conflict and that humane considerations will prevail over all forms of
oppression, injustice and aggression. If mankind is to survive there is
only the path of peaceful co-existence and this can be achieved through
mutual understanding and respect for the rights of others.
The Dalai Lama
March 10, 1966