Taipei: Representative Kelsang Gyaltsen Bawa from the Taipei-based Office of Tibet participated in the inauguration ceremony of the Great Peacock King’s (Mahamayuri) temple in Yilan County and attended anniversaries commemorating the passing away of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Khenpo Kunga Wangchuk Rinpoche.
On 27 April 2024, the Representative, along with the Office of Tibet’s Philosophy teacher Geshe Tenzin Namdol Rinpoche and advisor Zhong Zhi, took part in the inauguration, which was attended by around 2000 people, including representatives from all Buddhist traditions.
At the request of the monastery, Representative Kelsang Gyaltsen Bawa addressed the gathering and underscored His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s noble vision of bringing about world peace through the promotion of inter-religious harmony. While extending his greetings to the abbot and the administrators of the monastery, the Representative lauded the monastery’s abbot, Ven Tseje, for studying and practising the Chinese, Tibetan and Theravada traditions of Buddhism as per His Holiness’ guidance. He further expressed his hope that this monastery will become a centre for the exchange of experiences and learning among the various traditions in the future and assured necessary assistance from the Office of Tibet.
Later that afternoon, Representative Kelsang Gyalsten Bawa attended the first memorial anniversary of Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Taipei, where disciples of Lama Zopa Rinpoche presented a life account of their late teacher. The event also featured a display of video messages from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Yongzin Ling Rinpoche, and Woeser Rinpoche.
On 28 April, Representative Kelsang Gyalsten Bawa attended the commemoration of the 16th death anniversary of Khenpo Kunga Wangchuk Rinpoche, organised by the Taiwan-based Sakya Centre and monks of Dzongsar Shedra. During the ceremony, the late abbot’s personal disciple, Huyang, presented the gathering about Khenpo Kunga Wangchuk Rinpoche’s life and deeds and recalled the story of Rinpoche’s relationship with the prominent Taiwanese patrons.
-Report filed by OoT Taipei