Contemporary Tibetan history exhibition opens in London

Contemporary Tibetan history exhibition opens in London London: A rare visual exhibition of contemporary Tibetan history sponsored by The Amaryllis Fleming Foundation and The Prince’s Trust, UK, opened here yesterday…

Ngawang Sangdrol’s talk bring tears in Tibetan eyes

Ngawang Sangdrol’s talk bring tears in Tibetan eyes Copenhagen: The recently released internationally-known former Tibetan political prisoner, Ngawang Sangdrol, brought spontaneus tears when she spoke of her prison experience this…

An interview: Options in Exile

Options in Exile [ FRIDAY, JUNE 06, 2003 12:01:40 AM ] NEW DELHI: Samdhong Rimpoche is the first Tibetan prime minister in exile. He signifies the coming separation of spiritual…

Danish PM meets His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Danish PM meets His Holiness the Dalai Lama Copenhagen, Denmark: Briefing the media here this afternoon the Danish Prime Minister, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said that he welcomed His Holiness…

Dharamsala beats Kathmandu

Dharamsala beats Kathmandu Dharamsala (Tibet.Net), 6 June 2003: “We are now out of the tournament.” said Sither Tsering the captain of Mundgod. With the Gyalyum Chenmo tournament already past its…

Dharamsala observes World Environment Day

Dharamsala observes World Environment Day Dharamsala (Tibet.Net), 5 June 2003: The Tibetan and Indian residents in Dharamsala observed the ‘World Enviroment Day’ today by carrying out a massive clean-up campaign.…

Central Board Exam results declared

Central Board Exam results declared Dharamsala (Tibet.Net), 31 May 2003: The long wait is finally over for the students of classes X and XII. The Central Board of Secondary Examinaiton…

Kalon Tripa to visit Tibetan settlements in South India

Kalon Tripa to visit Tibetan settlements in South India Dharamsala (Tibet.Net), 31 May 2003: Kalon Tripa, Professor Samdong Rinpoche, will leave Dharamsala today on an official tour of Tibetan settlements…

State Department Statement Over Envoys’ Visit

State Department Statement Over Envoys’ Visit 27 May, 2003: State Department spokesman Richard Boucher read the statement below at today’s mid-day State Department press briefing. “We were pleased to learn…

Gaden Phodrang completes 360 years

Gaden Phodrang completes 360 years Dharamsala (Tibet.Net), 19 May 2003: The Tibetans in Dharamsala celebrated the concluding ceremony of the 360th year of the existence of the Gaden Phodrang government…