London: The Office of Tibet, London is delighted to inform that Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP is leading the Westminster Hall Debate on Tibet on Wednesday, 7th October from 9.30 am – 11.00 am: Reports of China’s rapid expansion of the labour programme in Tibet co-published by the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China. Please view the debate pack here:
The MPs from the All Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet have put in to speak in the debate. The overall debate duration is 90 minutes.
The Tibetan Community in Britain requested its members to call or email their MPs to ask them to join in this debate initiated by Sir Duncan Smith. As a result, many Tibetans have written to their MPs to support parliamentary-related significant events on Tibet.
Sir Iain Duncan Smith is one of the Co-founders of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China newly formed in 5th June 2020 to work towards how reform on how democratic countries approach China and upholding of human rights.
-Filed by Office of Tibet, London