Chief Representative of Shimla Tenzin Norbu led delegation with Himachal Pradesh BJP President Dr Rajeev Bindal at the regional office.
Shimla: After learning about Dr Rajeev Bindal election as Himachal Pradesh BJP President by a majority on 18 January, the Chief Representative of Shimla Tenzin Norbu led a delegation of local assembly members and monastery representative, as well as the Chief Representative’s staff, to congratulate the newly elected state BJP President and Vice-president Shri Ganesh Dutt at the regional office.
The Chief Representative office presented them a congratulatory letter of the Speaker of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile and a ceremonial scarf along with a token of greeting.
The central BJP government and the state’s concern for the wellbeing of Tibetans and the support rendered by them were appreciated by the delegation who expressed their hope for continued support. The delegation also wished the two newly elected officials success in all their future endeavours.

Chief Representative of Shimla Tenzin Norbu with Himachal Pradesh BJP President Dr Rajeev Bindal at the regional office.

Chief Representative of Shimla Tenzin Norbu with Himachal Pradesh BJP Vice-president Shri Ganesh Dutt at the regional office.