Dharamshala: On 5 November 2024, marking the birthday of the esteemed former Kalon Tripa, Professor Samdhong Rinpoche, the Department of Education released a three-dimensional animated film titled “Aku Phagpa – Ep 09- Capturing the Great Thief.” This animation has been created explicitly for Tibetan children. It is now available for viewing on the Department of Education’s Tibetan language learning website as well as on its YouTube channel via the following link:
Additionally, the Department of Education plans to release three animated children’s songs to celebrate Children’s Day, which will be available soon. All are encouraged to take note of this upcoming release.
The animation was funded by USAID.
3D Animated Videos:
Aku Phagpa – Episode 9: ≪Catching the Great Thief≫ https://youtu.be/cPEk0 C_e4 xA?si=Diug-bx1 _ZY7 WAXg
-Report filed by Department of Education, CTA-