Dharamshala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama shared a message today on World Mental Health Day, reminding everyone that when it comes to developing peace of mind, concern for others is tantamount. At the same time, he expressed his appreciation for the self-less efforts of all those working in the health system to ensure speedy resolution to the coronavirus crisis.
Read the full message here:
All of us, including animals, insects and microbes, are the same in wanting happiness and in wishing not to suffer. As human beings we have a sharp intelligence, which is one of the principal factors for bringing us peace of mind and joy. However, just as it can bring us hope, our intelligence can also bring us fear. Therefore, what we ultimately need to do is find peace of mind. Inner peace is something we achieve within the mind, by cultivating the mind. If we have that, we can even withstand physical pain without being overly disturbed by it.
Those who cultivate the altruistic awakening mind of bodhichitta, by engaging in the practice of equalizing and exchanging self and others, are prepared to take on the suffering of others. Their experience of peace and joy can help them transform adverse circumstances into favourable conditions for wholesome practice. So, we should employ our human intelligence and emotional hygiene to develop happiness and peace of mind.
These days, we are faced with the coronavirus pandemic, which is very sad. Whatever has already happened due to our karma is in the past and can’t be changed. However, we should take steps to avert another such outbreak in the future. People working in the health system — doctors, nurses and others, as well as scientists doing research, are doing their best to help achieve that end. I really appreciate the effort and dedication they have shown. They should continue to work hard motivated by an altruistic wish to help others.
As a monk following in the footsteps of the Buddha, I cultivate the altruistic awakening mind of bochichitta and I rejoice in the way you are selflessly serving those who are sick and in need.
Every morning, I recite mantras and pray that this pandemic will come to an end as soon as possible. I dedicate these practices for the good of the world, especially India.
I really appreciate the contribution everyone working on the frontline is making during this coronavirus pandemic and thank you all for your dedication to your work.
Dalai Lama
10 October 2020